Are you in the process of earning your OSSD? In Ontario, students who earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma are required to complete 30 credits (18 compulsory and 12 optional), meet the Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement and complete at least 40 hours of community involvement activities.
At CVS, we recognize the sense of belonging that being a part of a community can bring. We encourage students to exercise their civic responsibility and strengthen their own communities by getting involved. The acts of service that students partake in will help them to grow, both spiritually and academically. Volunteer opportunities are a great way to explore possible occupations or fields of work that may be of interest. Upon enrollment, CVS students will receive a Community Involvement Tracking Booklet with further information.
When selecting volunteer opportunities, students are to complete unpaid work and each activity should be approved before beginning. The selected activities are to be aligned with a student’s age, maturity, and ability. Students are not to partake in any activity in which personal safety will be compromised. CVS encourages our students to find volunteer opportunities that align with their values and that are important to them. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available, including virtual volunteering.
For the 2022-2023 school year, the Ministry of Education is allowing a bit more flexibility for students who need to complete alternate volunteer activities, due to the ongoing pandemic. Please reach out to CVS Guidance for further details on approved activities.
If you are in the process of earning the OSSD or are interested in attending CVS and earning the OSSD, please contact CVS Guidance by emailing guidance@christianvirtualschool.com or scheduling a consultation below, and we would be happy to help you!
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. — Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)