The Christmas season has come upon us quickly this year. We have been preoccupied over the last year(s) with COVID, intense weather events, wars raging in several countries, the escalating cost of living, and just trying to retain a semblance of normalcy in our daily lives. Even now, the weather report is showing a potentially intense winter storm coming into southern Ontario and lasting through the Christmas weekend! Families are worried that they might not be able to get together or have extended visits.
This Christmas season, let us take comfort in how the first Christmas started and the love that Jesus shares so readily with all of us, no matter how distant we are, or may feel, from Him.
I read a Christmas card by Holley Gerth annotated as follows:
“He came not to a throne,
But to a manger,
He lived not as a king,
But as a servant.
He chose not a kingdom,
But a cross.
He gave not just a little,
But everything.”
Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem for the last time. He took his Twelve aside and spoke to them about servitude. Matthew documents in 20:26-28:
26 … whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus came to this earth, not as a king but a servant, born in a manger, knowing all this time that the end game was death on the cross for all His children so that we could be in eternity with Him! Not only did he die on the cross, but God the Father raised His son from death, once and for all defeating death. This has opened the door for all of us to meet and worship Jesus in all his royal splendor and majesty sitting at the right hand of the Almighty One in Eternity. This is the ultimate gift of love Jesus gave us on the first Christmas day!
Remember, this love reaches every corner of our experience. It is wide – it spans time and space and reaches out to the whole world. God’s love is long – He goes to great lengths to reveal His love towards us, even on the cross. His love reaches higher heights than we can ask, think, or imagine. His love is deep – it touches the depths of darkness within us. Out of God’s glorious riches may you be filled with the fullness of His love, joy, and peace.
If you want to experience this love more or even for the first time – just ask Jesus who gives generously!
May the Lord’s great love bless you this Christmas.
Jan Kwasniewski
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Christian Virtual School