Guest Writer: Kathleen Kwasniewski 

In essentials, unit; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love. —Augustine

Our town is going to be celebrating its 150th anniversary next year. The town council asked for an ecumenical worship service during this celebration. I thought, what an amazing opportunity God has opened for the church to bless this little community!

Having taken on the task of gathering the 9 churches together to develop this event, I was made very aware of our diversity and the challenges involved. I am also aware of God’s word about being one body with many members and one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Romans 12:4, Ephesians 4:3-6)

Our God gave us variety and He makes His splendor known through His creation with every shape, size colour, texture, taste, and scent imaginable. Very obviously our gardens and fields flourish with a grand array of His artistry. His glory is also displayed in mankind. We are created in His image and made to enjoy a relationship with Him. One day all believers from every nation, tribe, peoples, language, culture, and denomination will stand before His throne accepted and loved. We will be a great multitude; a vast variety of His handiwork but only one body assembled to worship Him and bring Him glory. I don’t claim to understand all the wonder of this, but I know God’s word is true.

Recently I’ve been listening to a song: “Break Dividing Walls”. It was written by David Ruis in the early 90s, listening to it now I am reminded how important it is for us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.

There is a place of commanding blessing*
Where brethren in unity dwell
A place where anointing oil is flowing
Where we live as one

You have called us to be a body
You have called us as friends
Joined together in the bond of the Spirit
Unto the end

Father, we join with the prayer of Jesus*
As you are so let us be one
Joined together in unity and purpose
All for the love you Son

We will break dividing walls
We will break dividing walls
We will break dividing walls in the name of your Son
We will break dividing walls
We will break dividing walls
And we will be one

My prayer is that we would embrace unity in the core principles of our faith and have grace for the things that are non-essential to our salvation. That we would love one another, enjoy and accept one another in all our vast array of colours, sizes, shapes, cultures, and denominations.

I’m looking forward to our ecumenical worship service next year and the challenges and victories along the way. I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us.


Kathleen Kwasniewski is one of Christian Virtual School’s greatest supporters since the beginning, continuously keeping the school, its students, and its staff lifted to the Lord in prayer.