Our Values
All our courses are built with a Christ-centered worldview. Thus, in addition to meeting the Ontario curriculum expectations, students are given the opportunity to make connections between what they are learning and their faith. At Christian Virtual School we take a multi-denominational approach by focusing on being inclusive, compassionate, and accepting of multiple points of view. The emphasis is on teaching students skills in critical thinking, information processing, and communication. Students bring together what they are learning and their own family’s faith to solidify the foundation on which they stand. Students explore topics and questions outside of the conventional ‘classroom’ by reaching out to their parents, mentors, churches, and role models to start conversations, build relationships, and grow together.
In addition to this, Christian Virtual School works to promote and exemplify the following values in all aspects of our business.

We strive to be a reliable resource for families’ education needs. We are also responsive and timely in addressing our students’ administration and guidance needs. We aim to help students set and achieve academic goals, we instill in them a confidence in their own skills, and we emphasize the importance of demonstrating accountability.

We envision a world without barriers to excellent Christian education, so we persevere in our efforts to remove financial, geographical, and physical barriers for learners worldwide. We promote problem solving, setting and attaining goals, and overcoming obstacles as opportunities to foster spiritual and academic growth.

We believe in transparency and honesty in all our operations. We also hold our educators and students to a high standard regarding academic integrity. We feel that integrity for our students means that they have spent time examining what they believe, solidifying the foundation on which they stand, and standing on that foundation as examples for others.

We see the diversity of families, children, and people in the world and that they are in need of Christ’s love. We work every day to increase access to Christian education and spreading the love of Christ. We teach students about multiple worldviews, how to identify and acknowledge similarities and differences, and how to communicate with others in an inclusive, loving way.

We support our local community and strive to build a community of learners by fostering relationships, friendships, and open conversations. We work to inspire students to make an impact within their communities and to align their passions with local or global needs.
Statement of Faith
At Christian Virtual School we welcome students and families from all denominations to join our education community. Our board members, staff, teachers, and volunteers respect each other’s diverse practices and traditions as well as those of our students and their families. Our love of Christ brings us together as we serve Him with passion and purpose. We aspire to educate younger generations and equip them to live a life of purpose as part of God’s plan.
We believe:
- There is one true and living God, eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone is Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things.
- Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is God, manifest in the flesh. God redeems all who repent of their sin and trust Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, restoring their relationship with Him.
- All people are made to enjoy a relationship with God, with one another, and with the rest of His Creation. The Holy Spirit enables believers to live a holy life, to witness, and work for the Lord, Jesus Christ.
- The Bible, both Old and New Testaments together, is the authoritative, infallible written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- The Church, the Body of Christ, consists of all followers of Jesus Christ, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages.