We have some incredible news: the CVS staff has grown! Help us in welcoming T’Miika Sjaarda into the role of Head of Elementary. In this role she will be to go-to for all things Grades 4-8 from course content to student socials to teacher liaison.

T’Miika is thrilled to join the Christian Virtual School team as the Head of Elementary. With over a decade of experience in the online learning environment, she is excited about supporting CVS in this role.  

T’Miika holds a Graphic Design certificate from Conestoga College and graduated in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Media and Information Studies from Western University. Her academic and professional experiences have equipped her with the skills to create engaging and accessible online content that meets the needs of all kinds of learners.  

Passionate about making high-quality Christian education available to everyone, T’Miika is dedicated to using her expertise to support CVS’ mission. She looks forward to collaborating with and supporting our CVS teachers as they work together to achieve this shared goal. 

When she’s not working, T’Miika loves spending time outdoors with her husband and their young kids, especially while they’re tackling renovations on their family farmhouse. She’s excited to connect with the CVS community and looks forward to meeting all the parents and students! 

To get in touch with T’Miika about anything CVS elementary related, send her an email: TMiika.Sjaarda@christianvirtualschool.com!